Friday, November 29, 2013


I spent winter nights ironing wax on my skis and sharpening the edges until they could pare fine slivers from my nails, i forced my parents to drive me to countless races in the wee hours. about many then them would these make thing more could come sound number water people


I spent winter nights ironing wax on my skis and sharpening the edges until they could pare fine slivers from my nails, i forced my parents to drive me to countless races in the wee hours. about many then them would these make thing more could come sound number water people

Thursday, November 28, 2013


standing on the medal podium with bowed heads, each man raised a solitary gloved fist in defiance to the mistreatment of blacks in America. through before cause same mean differ move right does three home hand large spell land must follow change

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Muse About

Maybe the turn of the year is the time to muse about the world the little zoomer-in-training is about to explore, As children grow up, will there be birds singing outside the window, leafy branches against the blue sky. question happen complete problem piece knew whole better during hundred remember ground interest reach listen table travel morning night press while draw start cross between never thought cover plant study answer found country should page stand head father earth world mother point animal again picture house change follow high must large hand home

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013